Birthing and Parenting with Art

During my second pregnancy I looked to slow, quiet activities that I could share with my 3 year old daughter. One of our favourites was to draw mandalas together. We would spread out on the floor, using just one pen and a large piece of paper. Starting from the centre of the page we would take turns creating a circular pattern that moved outwards. We loved that hypnotic, meditative state we would enter as we watched our art unfold. She knew this activity was the best way to engage me during the tired part of my day. It was our special time that was just for us.

We have continued this ritual over the years and eventually my son started to join us. Just bringing out my pastels and paper is a welcomed invitation to having some connected, quiet art time with them. My son learns about letting go of perfection as we make interesting marks and add to eachother's pictures, creating abstract images that are just about expression rather than final product.

As much as I have read and continue to learn about the benefits of using art to access the right side of my brain, I have also experienced what it does for myself, my children, and the parents I work with. There is a natural shift to a calm emotional space when we use it as a meditation tool or exploration during prenatal classes, prenatal visits, or in the early stages of labour. I have witnessed parents uncovering new ways of approaching birth, and watched moms deepen their state as they let go into their labour through art.

If you are pregnant, or becoming a parent, and wanting to explore how art can deepen your experience, you may be interested in Pam England's book Birthing From Within.
If you are looking for Childbirth and Parenting preparation classes in the Toronto area or Doula services that use the Birthing From Within® approach contact us at Mindful Connections. We would love to be part of your journey!


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